A Shape for the Process

For a while in college, I was a biology major. I got to use a binocular microscope.  With that little wheel held by the fingers of my right hand, I was able to see the whole surface of the object of my study, and then, by turning the wheel clockwise, slowly descend down through the layers of the organism, layer by layer. 

I still use that mode of perception.  Look at the whole, big, very big, picture and then down through the layers to see how it all seems to fit together.  One of the Sisters at a nearby monastery turned me on to Beatrice Bruteau.  The first book I read led me to the second, God’s Ecstasy, and I have been stuck there ever since.  If we posit Being, just pure Being — and certain qualities of Being — from the infinitesimally small point of pure Being, this entire known universe develops/ evolves — I would say, dances forth.  For it is a dance,  a Dance of evolution. The smaller and simpler joining to create the larger and more complex.  Whatever doesn’t work is dropped from the Dance, and the smaller and simpler will go on to create a different, larger, and more complex aspect of the Dance.  What works persists and goes on to join with other members of the Dance to create more forms of Being. 

It’s a process.  We might say that Godde is a (or the) process of Being, a multi-dimensional, ever-evolving Dance of Being.  

What I keep seeing, and thus am writing to see if it can live outside my head, is a crescendo. Starting at that infinitesimally small point of pure Being, and then growing outward through all dimensions, toward……. perhaps its matching decrescendo? Drawing all back toward that infinitesimally small point? 

And we are in the crescendo– or decrescendo if you prefer, but let me stay with the crescendo for ease of the story, although you are welcome to flip it if you like.  We are unique energy events and unique dancings held within the many dimensions.  To the extent that we are participating in the life of the crescendo, we are as comfortable as we can be. To resist, to try to make the Dance go our way, is to deform the dance and invite misery all around. To participate – wholly – is the only satisfaction that endures.  

Surrendering to the crescendo.  Sensing its life and its trajectory, and becoming wholehearted participants.  We are, after all, its creations.  There is nothing inherent in us that is in disharmony with the dynamic of the crescendo.  Any problem is in my habits and between my ears. As I practice trusting the crescendo, the life, the dance of All Being, something relaxes in my lower back. This large perspective makes my daily life easier.  Whenever I feel myself getting snarled up, tense, or tight, I can remind myself of the crescendo and let go into it, trusting it, letting its life carry me, swept up into its dance. All it wants is its own way.  I might as well let it.

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