What Can I Do?

I may not be alone in this: I am unlikely to admit there is a problem until I know there is a solution. Now, it seems that the deeper I allow myself to become embedded in the solution, the more able I am to admit the scope of the problem.
Here’s a problem, and I don’t like it. I am the citizen of an Evil Empire (CEE). I am also the beneficiary of a demonic system (BDS). I am also regretfully and inevitably racist (RIR). As if that weren’t enough, I am also a consumer of my fellow creatures (CFC). I have no moral standing that I can see. This seems like a good place to start.

So what’s the solution? Starting very inwardly, I might creep in under the wing of some strong angel that nestles me toward the possibility of becoming part of the solution, and thus, I am able to abandon the concept of moral standing. In favor of the desire to be part of the solution. The willingness to be part of the solution.

Okay, so what is the solution? Not the Big One– I don’t know that or know how to get there. My piece of it. What can I do? How do I be a part of the solution, the unique part that I am able to be?

For starters, recognizing the problem. Admitting it. Accepting that This Is the Way It Is.

That, I am sure, is a very good step. Then, I suppose, asking what my part in the solution can be. No, that may be going too far, too fast. I may first need to go deeper into that willingness. Being willing to be changed, willing to be less comfortable, willing to be stretched and formed.

And surely to register that willingness with the Powers, the Further Spheres. So the entire cosmos knows that I am willing to be changed, challenged, even transformed, for the purpose.

Then stay alert? Be attentive? Little nudges, small fleeting awarenesses that Here is an opportunity to Respond in a New Way? Something more authentic and true to where I am at the moment and where I hope to be? Can that be the next step?
And be open! There may be others around who feel the same way, and we might all flourish further with each others’ companionship. Float it out there.

That sounds pretty good for now. At least it’s a start. A start in a direction that feels solid, feels right. And a gentle floating that could, might, be welcomed as an invitation. Might be.

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