The christfield

I was explaining to a friend why we use metaphors in the spark work when, without thought, I said that they could help draw people into the christfield. Later I found myself wondering what I meant by the christfield. What is the christfield? 

Maybe we can see it as an energy field, the “gravitational” field, that draws us more fully into the process of becoming, into the ‘christ’. The word ‘christ’ is most familiar capitalized, in reference to one who lived into this potential so completely as to be fully identified with it. The christ, uncapitalized, may be understood as the press toward fulfillment, the force that grows us—and all creation. It’s the pressing of life as it evolves, urging us (including our consciousness) toward what we are to become. 

The christfield, then, is the dynamic, living field that draws us toward and into our personal, unique (ever-evolving) place in the dance of all being. It’s the dimension that serves to draw us, through the relative buoyancy of our claimed sparks, deeper into the christ process. It builds our willing participation in the process of becoming as it evolves our awareness. 

 If you are not comfortable with christfield as a word, maybe among us we can come up with another. Something that we can think of as the dynamic of multi-dimensional evolving that surges through human history, and, if we like, through all creation. 

Whatever we call it, it is relevant to the spark work. Here is how: when we claim our sparks by affirming and connecting with the spark in others, their spark is strengthened. And so, also, is ours. As our spark becomes strengthened our defenses erode, our bafflement becomes clarified, our distortions are released. Our sparks become more buoyant. This makes us more available to the dance, more accessible to the tug of the christfield. We are less bound up by our old ideas and more susceptible to being moved toward our optimal engagement and thus comfort. 

I want to assure anyone who is as resistant as I once was that we can allow ourselves to be drawn into the christfield, deeper into the christ field (since we are all in it– the issue is how resistant we are to its tug) without fear of ending up in the institutional Christian church or any other “organized” religion. We may, or we may not. The christfield, as I have been experiencing it, has no preference in that direction. 

The christfield knows where we best belong. It will get us where the dance wants us, where it needs us. It will get us to our true comfort. 

 How does that sound? 


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