
We have stumbled into something that we feel is worthwhile spreading: a responsible, humane, sustainable approach to the challenges of our time.  We want to get a conversation going to see whether we are right about this; and, if it seems to be so, what next steps might be helpful. For the substance about which we invite conversation, as well as listings of our Meditations and other events, please go to our website sparkofhumanity.net.)

Here’s a sketch of the trajectory: Think of someone or a group of people, you’d like to see change. You think that they’d be better off, or you’d be better off, or the whole world would be better off if they would just change.  

Can you accept the idea that there is a spark of humanity in them? If you can’t, are you willing to admit the possibility that there might be? Here’s our next stepConnecting with and affirming their spark strengthens their spark.  This supports their transformation. It may be minuscule, it may be infinitesimal; but it is positive, it’s in the right direction. It’s something we can do, wherever we are, at any time. It’s something we can do to change things. 

Here’s a twist: Doing this also strengthens our spark. It supports our transformation. As sure as I am that I am right about so many things, I have to admit that I don’t have the whole picture. Maybe I could use some minuscule, infinitesimal transformation myself. If I care enough about things changing, I am willing to be transformed myself. 

Here’s the pay-off that we are discovering: As we become willing to be transformed, our strengthened spark gently and inevitably draws us to where we best belong in the ever-evolving dance of all being; where we, our gifts and quirks, may be uniquely applied toward a more responsible, humane, and sustainable way for the human enterprise on this planet.

From our experience, this is good stuff. 

We welcome your questions and comments and invite you to subscribe using the form below.


You may also contact us through sparkofhumanitydotnet@gmail.com